Hello I am wondering how much 1800m of cord in Cord Gradient 5mm would cost with shipping to USA. If you ship here Thank you for your time.

Главная / Ответы на вопросы / Hello I am wondering how much 1800m of cord in Cord Gradient 5mm would cost with shipping to USA. If you ship here Thank you for your time.
03.03.2020 Amber Long

Hello I am wondering how much 1800m of cord in Cord Gradient 5mm would cost with shipping to USA. If you ship here Thank you for your time.

Ответ от Линкевич Александры
Hello! parcel delivery costs 3050 rubles, which is about 50 dollars. 
The cord will cost 5400 rubles - 90 dollars. The amount of the order is 140 dollars. 
Shipment can be long from two weeks to a month.
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